Sunday, September 15, 2013

Letters From Abroad - It's Spring in Britain and Cigarettes are Going Up

28th March 1968
Mr. and Mrs. P Schultz                    Mrs. G Wrightson
11 Viking Av                                    186 London RD
Hillsborough                                    Twickenham
Auckland NZ                                   Middlesex UK

Dear Sandy and Pete
Great to get your quick reply

Sorry I haven’t been quicker but I haven’t been in the mood lately.
At the moment I have no work to do so I am catching up at work.
We are having glorious weather at the moment, the days have been beautiful.
I ’m glad the temp is just over 60F which to you might be cold
but to us poor souls in Britain, who have over the last few months
been in the minus category.
Its hot and everyone is happy and singing and all the spring flowers
are out and England is lovely in the Spring,
Below: Dale preparing for a golf match

Now after that long winded sentence, full of the joys of spring.
Oh I forgot, we're going down to a pub, by the river for lunch.

Only problem with Spring it seems to have brought my leg aches,
which is amazing, as I thought winter would have done that.
I wore dresses most of the winter and a fair amount of leg was exposed
to the bitterly cold and it didn’t affect me at all.

Oh well let’s hope it doesn’t last.
For Sandy only, concerning ‘The Pill’
I am now on the last free sample and I am going to change onto a new one.
Remember before I left, I got terrific pains with my period, well they have continued
so I don’t think this pill is really the best for me.
It just seems to give natural conditions, so I am going to change.
I’ll let you know what I get and how it goes.
In fact last night I rushed home, put the tea on and dashed across to the doctors.
Surgery is between 6.30-7.00 and there are no appointments
you wait in the queue.
Ridiculous system but that is Britain and I got there, I saw no surgery Wed and Thurs,
so I have to wait till next week but as I said I’ll let you know.

Had a letter from Joy today who informs me that Patsy and Bob,
from the stained house at the back, are shifting.
Apparently, because she said, nobody likes her because of that naughty child of hers
and she is not happy. So.

Also Joy is well but unfortunately she can’t stand the sun,
so she is lily white and of course imagine that with all the lovely weather.
Dale’s Mum sent us some lovely photos of our house this week and
they were great to take into work.
She also took one of our street, which pleased me to take into work,
as the English don’t have anything like that.

Dale had a game of golf on Saturday with Terry (of Rikki and Terry our shipmates).
Trouble is, you have to book a place a week ahead and guess what,
the March winds blew and it rained, so they got soaked
and couldn’t even finish the course.
So as you can imagine he was really choked,
 Below: Saturday afternoon in Ealing, Chez Yearbury.

Did I tell you about my birthday,
Dale bought me a lovely gold lighter, small one and
I had a swinging lunchtime shout, from which I floated through the afternoon.
My Boss Ken told me to sit in a corner, as I wasn’t fit to work.
Marvelous it was. Have you found a job yet.
That one in Holeproof, sounds good. Unilever sounds lousy.

Did you hear about our lousy budget. Road Tax £25 a year, that is registration.
Isn’t it shocking? 6/- a gallon for petrol, 4/9 for standard cigarettes, 5/7 for king size
AND they are putting them up again.
 Makes you sick but I am not giving up.
I spend about 30/- a week on cigarettes.
Just as a matter of interest, I worked out the amount of money we spend a week.
Now this only includes rent, food, my cigarettes and the car petrol, road tax etc.
No insurance, no going out, no booze, no clothes, or odds and ends.
It works out at £26 A week.
How about that? That is just to live.
No wonder we couldn’t save anything. Shocking isn’t it?
Oh those Cigarettes, kept going on them, despite the price, until June 21st 1985 4am
That was my last one

Well I have run out of room, also it is nearly lunchtime and we must prepare to go to the river.
Hope to hear from you soon.

 Love Gillian and Dale